Friday, 8 October 2010

Campion Carter

I don't know what Campion would have thought about having his name show up in a blog but where better to pay tribute to our ever dedicated treasurer than here, the NTC blog.
Campion died on Tuesday evening, 5th October 2010 and left us sad but with many good memories of a kind and courteous man, always interested in what went on around him - especially if it had anything to do with the arts or rugby, not an obvious combination - and in the main, a happy person. The next time we meet for a Pub Night, we'll ask for our drinks to be served, not in a glass, but in a tankard and a left handed one to boot! I know he'll come back to haunt me, I still owe him a receipt..... Goodbye Campion, we'll miss you!

Monday, 4 October 2010

Comedy Night

This Saturday we went to Alexander's for the comedy night.