Thursday, 23 September 2010

I promised a more regular update of this blog, so let's not fall at the first hurdle. On Tuesday night, a select group of Newcomers made it to the Cock-o-Barton and had a very enjoyable evening. This is not a blog about restaurants, so don't worry, I'm not going to give you the full low-down on the meal. Instead I wanted to flag up for those who haven't ventured outside Chester much, - and this restaurant is in the heart of Cheshire - how wonderful the scenery is in this part of the world.

You have to take your time to enjoy it and the roads almost force you to do that, I have come to believe that there is no such thing as a straight Cheshire road. But the views are fantastic so don't be deterred! If you actually get out of the car and feel up to some exercise, then the Sandstone trial awaits you. A few of our members are planning some circular walks on that route - it runs from Frodsham to Whitchurch and crosses the Delamere Forest - because to walk to whole track, you do really need two days. It runs past prehistoric hillforts, medieval and Victorian castles; black-and-white and sandstone pubs and farmhouses and attractive historic inns; Roman roads (finally a straight one!), sunken green lanes, packhorse trails and old coach roads! Have I tempted you? Let us know!

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Hmmm, haven't been very active on the Blog front, this is about to change! We are still very much alive and with, as somebody so kindly pointed out to me today, the nights drawing in, we will be organising many events. We have already posted some activities in the right hand column and will be updating this on a regular basis.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know!