Friday, 30 October 2009

Macmillan morning

In October, Newcomers got together to raise money for the Macmillan Cancer Support organisation. We were very happy to welcome quite a few non members, some of whom might actually come back to see us again! Everybody made a big effort and we are happy to say that over £200 was raised on the day. As agreed, we are matching this amount so this year, we will be contributing over £400 to this organisation that does so much to help patients and their families who are affected by cancer. Well done everybody!

Guy Fawkes in The Red House

Where better to see fireworks than over the river, comfortably seated and enjoying some excellent food and company! On Guy Fawkes night, there will be an opportunity of doing just that, in the Red House restaurant. So if you want to come along, don't wait to long to let us know!