Thursday 1 March 2012

March Merriment

Here are the events for March, let us know if you are interested in attending any of them.
3 March - 10-12 am Pottery Workshop, Great Sutton
Cost: £15 with refreshments (some part will go to Debra’s Whatever appeal). Places are limited to 6 but we will make a reserve list for any future dates. 

10 March - 7:30pm Alan Ayckbourne's "Relatively Speaking" at The Little Theatre, Chester Little Theatre
Contact Meghan for more details.

21 March - Hulme Hall, Port Sunlight, Fashion Show
Tickets £10 available from Pat Pawson.

22 March - 6:30pm Film Night, The Artist, Vue Cinemas, Cheshire Oaks
Meet at Frankie and Benny's from 6pm.

29 March - 12pm Pot Luck Lunch
At Debra's house.